Saturday, January 28, 2012

DIY: Framed Flowers!!!

     In my recent post. Blossoms, I stated how I wanted to frame the flowers in the picture. So, I got around to doing it and here is the end result!!
Materials needed include:
-Nails (not pictured)
-Sheets of white computer paper
-Frames (amount depends on you)
-Freshly picked flowers
Using the back of the frame as a guide, cut the white sheet of paper to the precise dimensions of the frame.
Place the flowers in your desired position onto the flat white canvas. 
Press down the frame onto the flowers. Repeat with other flowers.

Then, just hammar in some nails in your wall (you may want to use an anchor depending on what type of wall you have along with the weight of your frame)

And, Voila! The final product! I am pleasantly pleased with how this little project came out and hope you all share the same experience I had...Hammering a wall does relieve some pent-up anger! Lets just say it is defiantly a stress reliever!



  1. brilliant idea.....and it brightens up your wall too..
    too bad i'm not allowed to punch holes in my room


  2. great DIY!! it came out so nice


  3. Really really great, very creative! I was just wondering how there are flowers growing at this time of year but then I remembered you're from Florida! (NOTHING is growing in Ireland and Britain at the moment - it's freezing!!)

    Drea xo
